August 13, 2009
So here we are at Day 1 of the month without groceries. I have concluded that I need to have some sort of approach to prevent running out of any “critical” ingredient during the next month. It would really suck if 10 days in I had to make nothing but ramen to keep the family fed. I am pretty sure I would never hear the end of it.
I think what I need to do is peruse my pantry, refrigerator, and freezer to come up with meal possibilities. Fortunately, I have a well stocked pantry so I think I will have quite a few options. I also have a freezer full of proteins.
In looking through my stock of food, I am wondering what I was thinking at the grocery store over the last few months. Did I really need that jumbo box of corn dogs? I don't think Ania or Mike even like corn dogs. I wonder what else is lurking at the bottom of the deep freeze. I'll be starting an expedition to the bottom of the freezer later today to get an inventory.
The good news is that I do have a lot of ingredients that are versatile and easy to use. Tonight, I have decided to make Chicken Cordon Bleu. The challenge is going to be the veggies. I have some frozen, but the fresh produce will run out soon. Too bad we don't have a flourishing garden.
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